ep04 — Hypnotherapist: Glenn Rottmann

Glenn: How would I clean when a porn gets dirty? What should I use to build stills that are st where

explain like I'm 30.

Sidney: Hey everybody. Welcome to explain like I'm 30, I'm your host, Sydnee Raskind, aka a Sydnee Raz, all over the internet, teaching you life acts, tips and tricks and things. You know, may you maybe wish you knew before you were in your thirties today. Uh, we have a very special guest. But before we get into that, I want to talk to you guys about a dream that I had where M T V News came back.

They made a huge deal about it. They let me in. They set us down in front of my gym teacher from elementary school in my gymnasium from elementary school, and we watched M T V News. Say we're back. Sorry about leaving you for the three weeks that we haven't had them. And, uh, it was a big deal. Everyone was really excited about it.

And oddly enough, I was talking to Stormy Daniels, um, which I was like, stormy Daniels, why are you in my elementary school and why am I talking to you? Are we actually doing this right now? Are we talking to each other about how we're excited about M T V news coming back? But alas, it wasn't real and it was just a dream.

But I did want to tell you all about it just because I think it's important to listen to our subconsciouses. So maybe MTV News will be coming back and I will be talking to Sterman Daniels about how excited we all are. I don't know if I'm gonna do it in my elementary school, but. We'll see. And that actually leads into our guest today, Glen Rotman, who is a hypnotherapist.

He hypnotized me. Y'all, I have been hypnotized. I'm not gonna tell you about what, it's a big fear that I've had my entire life that he helped me release. And, um, I feel it now. He's an amazing guy. Uh, you know, he, he has worked with so many other influencers and, uh, he has hypnotized and helped people all around the world.

So I can't wait for y'all to hear this conversation about what goes into being a hypnotherapist. I ask him some very basic questions that, uh, he was very nice enough to answer. And then, uh, yeah, he hypnotized me and I was very forthright saying, I'm scared of this. But he used that. We did it. And, um, I don't know.

I can't wait for y'all to hear this. So enjoy. Here we go.

Glenn: So, hey, Glen, Sydney. So nice to meet

Sidney: you. Oh my gosh. Thank you so much for doing this. This is so cool. I, um, I have to admit something to you. I was looking through your videos and you have already hypnotized me today, so I love it. Yeah, I love it. So I was, I was looking through and all of a sudden it came up to the port where, you know, like, breathe in, breathe out, like, just kind of relax.

I was like, oh, thanks. Thanks, Glen. I really appreciate that.

Glenn: Amazing. And I've learned how to put a lid on a. Pot of rice to clean it better. I'm glad.

Sidney: I'm glad that was, to me, that was, uh, well, let's, let's start off. This is Glad Robin, everybody. Yes, yes. Thank you so much for being here, hypnotherapist. Um, yes.

But, and like, before we get into that, the job title, um, yes. Yes. I, yesterday, I, yesterday I was cleaning, uh, the pot of rice and I left it on accidentally, overnight, not, not the fire, but the pot lid. And I was cleaning it and I was like, why is this so much easier? And it was because the rice moisture had stayed in the pot.

So I was like, oh, great. So with leftovers, all you need to do is just like, keep the lid on and it's fine the next day. And it's not terrible. So I'm really happy that you learned from that.

Glenn: Yes, these little tricks and tips. My life is all about Sherry. Trick and tips, not only for now pots of rice, but for this.

Yeah. You know, for our mind. Yeah. For the brain. Right. For how we live our lives. There is a lot of misconceptions about what hypnotherapy is. Many people have seen a hypnotist maybe at their high school or at their college or at the fair, things like this, and it's a lot of fun to see. Yeah. But people don't think it's real a lot of the times, or are these people staking it?

Does it really happen? And I started my career that way. Entertaining people using fun. And I was always told by my former teachers in hypnotherapy school, when you do a stage show, you're not doing therapy. You're there to give an experience. You're there to have fun. Don't do therapy. And that always bothered me.

I didn't like that idea, so I decided to do it my own way. Why not? I'm gonna do therapy in front of a crowd of people. I'm gonna help people change their lives and I'm gonna do rapid techniques really quick to help people overcome what's seen to be impossible challenges. And from then it just kind of morphed into me posting a lot of footage of me doing street hypnosis.

I've had the privilege like I have right now to work with you. I've worked with a lot of influencers, a lot of YouTube stars. And I've gotten to spread kind of this message through exactly what we're doing now, just sharing, having some fun, and we're gonna have a great time

Sidney: today. But no, I, I, I agree with you.

I mean, like you said, I was looking through your videos and you did it with Reon Link. You did it with Chris Catan. Yes. You did it with, um, I can't remember the Magician's name, uh, that you hypnotized like him and all of his friends in the room and like the, with the raggedy andall and like you tickled the raggedy and doll.

Yes, yes. And, um, but, but it was just such a, and actually you're, I saw that you're, you're in Burbank, so you're walking through the Burbank Plaza and you're like, Hey, who can I hypnotize right now I'm standing in front of the AMC 16 and I just wanna, yes. I just want to go for it, you know? Or were you just like on your way to get like a coffee or to go to cold so creamer and you're like, no, no, I'm gonna go hit and tie some people in Burbank right now, like downtown Burbank, which for anyone.

For anyone listening is like, yeah, I'm not aware of what Burbank is. Downtown Burbank is like very much an epicenter of, of commerce and just like, you know, fun and walking around and stuff. Yes. And um, so yeah. So what was the, what do you, what what were you doing there? I mean, just walk it through. Well, I, that's where

Glenn: I live.

You'll see me in downtown Burbank pretty much almost on a daily basis. That's where I go, that's where my daughter and I go make, we go to the movies. There we go eat. So sometimes I will get recognized by somebody that's seen a video and I'll be like, to my daughter, of course I'm dad. So nothing is that, you know who Johnny Depp is.

We all know who Johnny Depp is, right? Yeah. Yeah. I heard Johnny Depp share that. His daughter doesn't think he's cool. So if Wow. Johnny Depp's daughter Yeah. Doesn't think he's cool. I have zero chance at my life. Right, right, right. And so the things that I do, I look my daughter Olivia's just like. Okay, dad,

Sidney: I'll film.

Yeah. My daughter, she's only, she's only nine to 10 months old, but still, I could already see like people are like, oh, you're gonna teach your daughter so many things. When she's older, I'm like, she's not gonna listen to me. She's gonna think I'm super annoying. Like, what?

Glenn: Your dad, you're in the uncool zone, and if her friends think that you're even remotely cool, that's gonna make you even less cool.

So sweet. Yes. It's just how it works. I can't wait.

Sidney: Well, It's nice that you have, it's, it's nice that you have that, uh, person to film for you, because I feel like anytime I want to do something, I'm like, I, I can't ask. I just gotta, I can't ask my wife. I can't ask, I gotta figure out how to put this like, up somewhere.

I'm just gonna put the it camera, camera, like on a window sill and start talking. And that's really what happened. It was just like, you know what? Nobody wants to help me with this. I'm just going to, I'm just gonna go for it. Um, yeah, but actually, yeah. Yeah. I did wanna talk a little bit about your background, because I saw that you started in 1989 and I mean it that, like, that's, that's a long time to be doing this.

And, um, yeah, just trying to like, figure out what led you to this, you know, who did you, who did you talk to first? I know, uh, I, I learned about the cancel, cancel method, which I'm totally gonna do going through life right now. Yes. And was that one of your mentors that,

Glenn: that taught you that? Yes. So I, I can make this, I'll make this as brief as I can in high school.

Oh, talk. I took a

Sidney: course. Yeah. As long as you want.

Glenn: I know we have, there's so much I can share though. I can go on forever and I'm aware of that. You know what I mean? People that will over talk, it's like, all right, come on. Yeah, sure. I took a class in high school called The Silva Method, and that was a course on self meditation, and I actually got to take it with the owner.

I mean that the owner of the founder, Jose Silva himself, who's long passed on, he was incredible. So I took that course and as I lived my life, it was always in the back of my mind, and sometimes I'd be really good at meditating and I'd see the effects of that in my life, and I would see things manifest in my life, and things changed very rapidly.

But then of course, I wasn't always consistent with it. I would go in and out and my goal was to be a musician, came to la, went to music school. Then after that, you know, had a couple kids, did the things that we do, played in bands, made some CDs. But in the back of my mind, this was always there. I should be doing this type of work, I should be doing this type of work.

And the more that kept burning in the back of my mind, you know, I was a sales manager for many years. I had a very successful job as sales manager, big company, great salary company, credit card, card, everything. But it just, I knew it was just eating at me. This wasn't what I was meant to do with my life.

Yeah. Then after getting divorced and kind of reevaluating, you know, this is my life. How much time do I have left and what do I wanna do with that time? And I was really in a place of, not crisis, the opposite of crisis. The, the place of opportunity. It's like, okay, yeah, I've done all this. Now it's time to reinvent myself.

Let's go back to what's really home for me. And that was this work. So I went to a college of hypnotherapy. When I had this thought two weeks later, I was enrolled in hypnotherapy school and I, I just, where is that?

Sidney: In Los

Glenn: Angeles? Yeah. Yeah. I went to H M I College of Hypnotherapy, which was out in Tarzana.

And at that time the school was open. It was a really great environment cuz you could go there. I was there a couple times a week. You'd meet friends, you'd be in classrooms. It was great. Now it's kind of moved online so it's not mm-hmm. Quite the same experience that it was, but it gave me what I needed to start.

And then just being like who I am at one of my best friends at school. We went a little crazy. We decided to go to Santa Monica Boulevard every Saturday and start doing street hypnosis. Just, and some people would, we'd be like, Hey, you wanna be hypnotized? People were like, get away from us, you guys are weird.

We don't like you. And then we got smart. We took a girl with us from our class. Sure. And then when she was with us, all of a sudden we were safe and we started to give people experiences. I started to learn how to take somebody on the street and just drop 'em into hypnosis and give them a suggestion that can change their life in that very moment.

Yeah. And I fell in love with that kind of shock, kind of fun entertainment side of it. I started after the influencers, I had an opportunity. The first one was Miranda Sings Colleen Ballinger. Oh yeah. Colle Ballinger. Yep. And that was the first one I did. And I made her eat an onion and she thought it was a delicious sweet apple.

Now that that routine goes back years, it wasn't something I created, but Right. Nothing has had more impact than watching her eat that onion. That is the onion that started my career. Wow. Yeah. In a, in a big way. Cuz after that, Then I got a call from the Dolan twins. Right. Then I got a call from it and link, and then I got a call for, it just keeps going on and on and on.

Yeah. And now I have all these people reaching out to me for therapy. I have colleges reaching out to me. We, we wanna see the guy that if ties our YouTube heroes come to our college. Yeah. Right. And the next thing you know, it, it was the career that I was looking for. My whole life. Found me.

Sidney: That's incredible.

And I mean, this is a little bit more, this is, this is a little bit more, um, inside la but you're in Burbank, so you're close to all of these people too, right? Yeah. Red Link is right down the road in Burbank.

Glenn: I palliated. Yeah, I know, but it's not like I could just stop in there. Hey guys, what's up? You know, they, they call me.

Yeah, right. It's a one-way street with these people. It's not a two-way street, but, but they are, well, no, that's, they're the coolest guys.

Sidney: Yeah. I mean, that's incredible. That's like such a, um, important thing to do, which is sort of listen to yourself and go, I want to be a hypno like hypnotherapist. And I, I feel like it's important to sort of differentiate between hypnotist and hypnotherapist.

Right. So yeah, for me, when I hear hypnotist, I think what you were talking about, sort of like that shock and awe magician sort of, um, fun, let's hypnotize everyone in the eating an apple, but it's actually, uh, you know, an onion, right? Yeah. But with hypnotherapy, it seems like you're actually doing it in a sense where, um, if someone does have something that they want to change or if they do have, uh, a need for sort of a brain, we rewiring, then you're there for that.

Yes. And I think that is, um, I don't dunno. It's super, uh, an important delineation to make

Glenn: for sure. Oh, it is, it is. Hypnotherapy is what I do and I, I don't do. The silly stage shows anymore. I do transformative shows where I take an element of the surprise of stage hypnosis, but then I put hypnotherapy into it.

When I do shows, I give the entire audience a chance to do something with me to make a change, and I've really just honed my craft that way and I get to share it. Now I, I've created an online community where people subscribe to my meditations. Mm-hmm. I do live group hypnotherapy sessions for my members.

I do kind of an elite group coaching cause I've been through just in my own life, besides hypnotherapy, you know, being a sales manager, taking a small company. Yeah. Making it a huge company. Running. Now I do all my marketing stuff. Basically. I am my own marketing company. Yeah. I run the entire online subscription program I have, and now a full team around me and it's another business, you know, I went and did to help people.

But as you know, even what you do, right? You have a team. It's now a business. Yeah. It's not just, yeah, it's not just fun. I mean, it is fun, but you get what I'm saying? All those elements. Well, it's different.

Sidney: Yeah. It's, it's a different type of fun. I think I was pretty lucky in high school too, know that I wanted to do this right.

I know that I didn't wanna work behind a desk. I know that I didn't want to do that for the rest of my life. My mom worked in government for 40 years, as you know. Mm-hmm. Grew pot side of dc So it was either you go work for the government or you figure it out and you work end up working for the government.

Right? Yeah. So for me, when in high school, I realized that I wanted to be a, you know, what we call now content creators. Back then it was YouTuber. Yes. Um, that was all I wanted to do. So I just kept following. Yes. That kept following that, kept following that I, it didn't work for a long time. And then, you know, I, it, it.

Appeared when TikTok appeared and it was like, oh, I can do this. Because I kind of had been through those moments. Yeah. So I think, um, now what you were mentioning about sort of the craziness that comes from those moments of just like chasing your dreams, it's like, yeah, now we have teams, now we talk to all of these people daily that I had no idea existed, but, you know, it's, it's so important to have them just like, you know, so, um, so yeah, I mean, just knowing that you actually, I, I guess, chase your dream or had that moment of like, oh, no, no.

Like, I, I always wanted to be a hypnotherapist, like that's important to you. Um, yeah. Is really, really good and inspiring, I think for a lot of people. Like anytime I get to talk to people that like cha chase the dream and it happened for them. Yeah. It's so impressive. You know what's like that, that

Glenn: moment.

Yes. I don't know if you've found this or not, but for me it was definitely true. It really felt like it sound me instead of me finding it. Because as you know, many people create content, but they don't always get it off the ground. They'll make a few videos and they'll quit and they'll stop. A lot of people will go to h Hypnotherapy school, they'll work with some friends and family, and then they'll stop.

I mean, it was a big deal. Quitting a very cushy job. Mm-hmm. To doing this, you know? Yeah. Going through the, when there is only me to rely on me, it's not like I have rich parents, I could fall back on. Right, right, right. Or, you know, I have two kids. I have a house. All the things that we have, nobody else could cover me if it failed, and there was a lot of indecision, a lot of second guessing myself, but I didn't listen to it.

And I'm so glad and it's never been better.

Sidney: Yeah. It's horrifying to like, cuz to, to make that leap. I think I was lucky enough where my daughter hadn't been born yet, we just got a house, so like, like things were okay and I started taking off at the right time. So I think I was very sort of like in the moment where it was like, oh, it's happening and I think this is a good time for it to happen.

Um, yeah. But you mentioned like, you know, just, just you going through your day and I really do want to know, do you wake up and like, is there a mantra that you have and you know, you wake up, you do a little bit of hypnosis on yourself, and then you have, you know, different clients that you go see or like, you know, that sort of thing.

Like what is that typical day for a hypnotherapist? I mean, do you have typical days? Are you technically hypnotized all day? Like what is that?

Glenn: Yes. Like it's for me, I like to get up and just kind of float around the room for a couple hours and levitate, and then I start moving object with my mind.

Sidney: That's what I thought.

That's what I thought. That's what I thought. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just like hypnotherapist actually. Yeah. Yeah. All hypnotherapist are telekinetic, uh, in That's it. People, yeah. Yeah,

Glenn: exactly. Put my, put my hand out a cup of coffee, a cup, a cup of coffee appears and it's great. But I generally, man, I can't say that.

I should say I meditate several times a day. That's not true. Yeah. I do meditate several times a week, so what I do like to do is I'll get up, if it's a quiet morning, I'll do a little, I have a meditation share in my bedroom, and I'll start the day with just a nice little meditation, visualizing just my goals, how I wanna feel today, the things I wanna accomplish, and just always, whatever I'm visualizing, making it even bigger than I'm currently experiencing it.

So that's, that's kind of how I start my day off. And it depends. Some days I have several Zoom clients where I'm here working with clients cuz hypnotherapy is auditory. Mm-hmm. And it's nice when I can be there in person and do be with someone, but I just need to see you and hear your voice in order to be effective.

So some days I'm on client sessions most of the day, and between that I am talking to my team. I'm recording, uh, I have something called the hyp nova, which has about 125 video hypnotherapy sessions after week. Wow. Wow. There is nobody else in the world that has put the kind of effort in. I have nothing like that exists.

So basically it's categorized where you pick a topic. Let's say one of them is negative self-talk. You click on it, I come on the screen, I give a little life lesson and some perspective on that. Then the screen blacks out. My voice changed. Some music comes on and we start doing a session just the same way I would as if you were with me.

So these really, it's not just like an MP3 download or something you find on YouTube. It's an actionable session. The way I would structure it one-on-one and some, I'm always putting new sessions in, and on top of that, I have several thousand monthly subscribers in my Wow. Online. And that takes a lot of maintenance.

It takes a lot of questions and answers. It's a lot of support that we give them. Now, I don't do that alone, but I'm always overseeing it. Then there's a portion of my day where I get into Facebook business manager and run the marketing company. You know, I run ads worldwide to English speaking. Yeah. That, for those of you that haven't used Facebook Business manager, it's a beast, right?

Yeah. And I'm also part of the and, and I have my own teachers. I'm part of the marketing. I have a marketing coach. We go through things on a weekly basis. And then, so then there's that aspect to my day and managing all the backend of PayPal and Stripe and that whole process. Then yeah, I also, they hire me in a couple different rehab centers where I work with, yeah.

And I help people that are recovering from addiction using mm-hmm. This gift of hypnotherapy and meditation to be a great part of their recovery. That's a part of my week as well. And coaching is a part of my week where I have a group coaching where every Tuesday now I have a group and we talk about life's challenges, keeping you inspired, that you stuck with, and then on top of that, there's things like this, always making content, doing your social media.

Yeah. So every week it feels like a lifetime, but it's, and then within all that, I was spending time with my daughter or daughter's act too. Yeah. And, Trying to live a balanced life, go to the gym, enjoy a, yeah, enjoy a quiet moment here and there. Right. So my, yeah, my life is really more like a business than anything else.

It's not just basically I'm in this desk chair all day. Tell me about your, you know, tell me about your issue. It's very, it's, it's great. One thing

Sidney: that I was thinking about while we're, while you were talking about that was like something, you know, you had this whole life before, right? Yeah. But were, did you find yourself being, um, more of yourself when you became a hypnotherapist?

Or was there like a lot of tension that you, you know, were you more tense when you were that sales manager and then when you became a hypnotherapist, you sort of released that, but then that was actually more of who you really were or, yeah. Was that something that you noticed a shift in yourself through all of this practicing work?

Glenn: There is a line and I, I don't know the line exactly. Oh, maybe I do. That line is, most men live a life of quiet desperation. Mm. Yeah. I should know. I should know the author. I apologize. It's one of the most famous authors. But my daughter's gonna yell at me cuz she's like, dad, really? You didn't remember the author?

But it's fine. How, how I can explain my life and many people's lives that I've worked is not just men. Many people live a life of quiet desperation because we commit ourselves to things that we're not really passionate about. Cuz we believe we had to. We start off in life and we get ourselves in the debt.

We buy a car we don't really need. We rent an apartment that's too expensive. We buy things we don't need, with money we don't have. And we start the process of tying ourselves down. So now we feel like we have to take that mediocre job to make ends meet. Mm-hmm. Or maybe we're feeling insecure and we meet a partner.

We lock to that partner and start building a life on very shaky ground. Now you start having kids, you start buying things together, you start committing yourself to a life that isn't fulfilling out of insecurities. Mm-hmm. And so now maybe, and maybe it's not all bad, maybe some of it's really good, but there's a part of you that is still kind of living that quiet life of desperation.

Mm-hmm. And that was how I could describe my life. There were parts of it I really like. Yep. But I knew like I was, this is so cheesy, but youre like cheesy things. Tell me. Right? Yeah. I

Sidney: love cheesy. All right.

Glenn: Tell me, all right, good. Maybe you'll appreciate this story. So I also, yeah. After, after my divorce, I got my pilot's license to be a private pilot.

Cool. That's great. Because why? Because I decided I wanted to, and I'm like, who can tell me? No? Nobody can tell me no. So I'm doing it. Right. Right. Perfect. At the time I was still a sales manager in construction. We had people that worked on the airfield. And to do that you have to go through clearance, through LAX security.

And I was the company, what's called the company signatory. So I had to go through Homeland Security and I always had to do updates and paperwork. Well, one of our drivers got a violation on the airfield for doing something he shouldn't do, standing in the wrong place or whatever. Yeah. So I had to go with him to a meeting at LAX with head of security, head of this tsa, this about four people in this room.

And the room still looked like it was made in the 1970s green tile, white tile. Right. And my driver that was there didn't speak such good English. I was there to kind of help and interpret. These people were so serious. Right. Talking about this. And I'm like, I. First of all, I could care less about this and you guys need to lighten up, right?

So here's what I did, right? We're, we're talking about aviation rules and TSA rules, and I'm like, how do I break the ice? So I got up, I pulled out my wallet. I said, listen guys, I didn't wanna pull rank on all of you. And they're looking at me like, what is he doing? I'm like, listen, I'm not just a company signatory, I'm a pilot.

And I threw my pilot's license down on the desk and the whole room did this. Oh, that's very funny.

Sidney: Fantastic.

Glenn: Good joke. Glen. Nobody, she hated it. Nobody got it. I thought it was the most beautiful moment in my life. And if I had it on videotape, if I had it on tape, we would be rolling watching it. It was so awkward.

It was so bad. Sure. But it was so beautiful. That's great. At the same time. But that just tells them like, I can't take you. People lighten up

Sidney: guys. This isn't, yeah, exactly.

Glenn: Exactly. And. That's how I felt like when somebody would call me, our invoice isn't right for our company. I'm like,

Sidney: yeah, I felt the exact same way when I was in meetings or when I would like, you know, have these moments.

I would just constantly be in these meetings. I'm like, I could not care less about this. Like, I was at, I was at, um, I was at a party once and someone said, you know, talking about meetings that they have, and I was like, I had to become a content creator because I couldn't stand meetings and I hate them because it was just such a waste of time.

And I was just like, this is all nothing. All I'm doing is nothing in this meeting. And it just, it felt bad. So when, when, yeah. I mean a lot like you, it was just like, I had to get outta there. I had to, there was no, there was no question. There was nothing like,

Glenn: and, and there's nothing wrong with it. If the company that you work for you like, and you enjoy what you're doing.

Yeah. Not everybody has to be a content creator or a speaker or be an entrepreneur. Yeah. There's nothing wrong with having a job and making a beautiful life. Sure. But I, I definitely felt that desperation. Now I don't, so the meetings I have now with my team are about how can we help people, or what new product can we launch to get people connected to our work so they can really incredible experience more.

And it's, there's a saying that you get here when you get here, meaning to look back and wish I would've gotten here faster is just such an unempowering thought. We're humans. Of course. I think that I wish I would've done this years ago and lived my entire career like this. Mm-hmm. But that wasn't the way for me.

I understand My life experiences are so valuable to where I'm at today. I needed to go through them. I just wish, I wish I would've been in this world years ago cuz it's just, yeah. I, I, I truly. Truly appreciate and feel blessed for what I get to do and what I've created. Yeah, I absolutely do. And that's a feeling.

Sidney: Yeah. You can't really put to words how incredible it is to just be like, today I'm gonna do something that I actually really want to do. Right? Like I'm trying to help people, I'm trying to entertain people, I'm trying to do all this, and. Um, for me it was, I'll get there when I get there, but it was always in the back of my mind.

Like, I know I'm going to do this. This is, this is it. Yeah. This is what I need to do. And I made a lot of mistakes on along the way. Right? Like, I think, uh, I saw one of your videos talking about how, you know, you do, you make those mistakes. You constantly, constantly, constantly people that have sort of the ability to maybe like you and I do, to sort of like chase that dream or continue to do that thing that they love.

It wasn't easy to get to that part. Right. So, um, yeah, I mean, and that, that kinda leads me into the, a question of like, do you make mistakes in hypnotherapy? Like, do, have you ever made someone eat an onion and then all of a sudden it's like, oh God, they realize it's an onion. Or, you know, accidentally freeze people in the spot for the next lifetime.

Like, what, what is a mistake in hypnotherapy?

Glenn: Did you see office space?

Sidney: Yes. I saw office space. Yeah. Like that. So, no, no, but that ended up, that ended up being a good thing because he was

Glenn: fine. I know, I know. Well here's, here's what, here's what can happen. There is no hypnotherapist that can say, and I don't care who's watching, not even Tony Robbins.

Right. Not everybody gets the desired result that they want all of the time when they work with someone. Sure. Cuz we're human. Many people leave that Tony Robbins somehow not. I love Tony the death. He's amazing. Many people leave his weekends and go back to their normal life. That motivation lasts for a day or two and it doesn't stay within them.

Mm-hmm. So not even him is effective with every single person he is with many. And with this work we're dealing with emotions, we're dealing with secondary gain. There's other reasons why people hold on to their issues. Besides just what you're seeing in the present moment. Mm-hmm. For example, somebody who's afraid to fly, well, they might have some really toxic family relationships, so if they're afraid to fly, they don't have to go deal with those relationships.

Yeah. There's a secondary reason. Somebody that's gotten their heart grow and a relationship well, they may put on a lot of weight to make themselves unattractive to a new partner. Not consciously, but if I put on weight, I can protect myself from getting hurt, even though Yeah, exactly. Putting on the weight is also causing me hurt.

So there's Right. You know, we're dealing with a lot of things and so yes, I, I'm always striving, working on my techniques, my rapport, building my connection so we can make the most rapid change in the most rapid time. And many times I do get what's called the hypno miracle. I do it in front of people and crowds where I'll take somebody's fears away.

In the moment I've taken, there's a beautiful scene I have. It's on, it should be on my Instagram where I took somebody's chronic neck pain away and she's crying and hugging me cuz shit, it's the first time she was out of pain in years. There's amazing things, but I'm not God. You know what I mean? Right. I don't, I don't have that power to just do that, you know, that famous, um, I don't know why this that came into my mind, but, you know, Benny hint, he's that white-haired faith healer with a jacket fire.

Oh yeah, sure. People Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure. You know what he is? He's a stage hypnotist. That's all he is.

Sidney: You you, did you say that Tony Rob? Is Tony Robbins a hypnotist? He is. Or is he just a motivational speaker? Like Well, he

Glenn: did, he did N l p Neurolinguistic programming Uhhuh. And he, he does use a lot of verbal hypnotic techniques.

Wow. And he does meditations. So, yeah. I mean, Tony understands every aspect of all of this, but particularly Benny Hyn, that preacher that poses as a man of God. He's just a stage hypnotist. Hosing, and that's what makes it so awful. Yeah. And yes, some people do get healed because the adrenaline of the moment, they detach from the pain, but other people get really hurt by what he does, and it's not right.

If I ever meet that guy, you know, and he claims anyhow, it's another story, but that's another story for another time. There's amazing things you can do with people using these techniques. But I think I got off topic,

Sidney: but I No, it's okay. I was, well, I wanted to, I wanted to know about the, um, the mistakes that you made, but you kind of, mistakes went into interesting.

Yeah, yeah. But, but, but the other thing is that you talked about sort of like these moments where you can, um, you know, impressive in, in, in a very short amount of time, sort of take those moments and, you know, hypnotize people or, um, So what you said hypno miracle, is that what you called

Glenn: it? Yeah, the hyp, I call it the hypno miracle.


Sidney: Per, yeah. So hypno. So that actually is very good because we are gonna take a quick break and when we come back, uh, we are going, I'm gonna try to see if you can help me or maybe you can teach me some things. That baby will absolutely be in live. So let's take a quick break. We'll be right back. Hey everyone.

Thank you so much for listening and learning about hypnotherapy with me. It's pretty crazy. But if you do like this episode, please don't forget to rate and review it. Spread the love, share with everyone you know, anyone that's ever been interested in hypnotherapy. Please, please share it with them, even if they're not interested in hypnotherapy.

And like I said, leave that review. Be honest. Let us know how we're doing. What do you think leaving a review is the biggest help to make this show successful? And I can't thank you enough for listening, rating and reviewing. And don't forget everyone, Patriot, it's there. We have it. Come hang out with me on Discord, become a Rascal.

Talk to me one-on-one. We have live streams, new episodes, early access bonus content. Trust me, it's incredible. I'll see you on Patreon. And now back to the show. So, as I was saying, right before the break, I'm hoping. That maybe you can help me with something, because I too have had a phobia of spiders forever, right?

Really? In the past. Oh, yeah. Oh yeah. So in the past couple of years when I got this house, I realized that I can't escape the spiders, so I might as well accept the spiders, right? So I started to look up on Google lens, look up on like all of these things, sort of get to know the spider community so that now I know more about them, right?

I know what a cellar spider is. I know what a, a noble brown widow is, or false brown widow or uhhuh, you know, I know what a trap spider is because they're probably gonna be hanging out under rocks and spook me, right? But, The other day I thought that we, oh, my wife and I started calling all spiders buddies because if they're a buddy, they're not gonna hurt you.

They're just a buddy in the house that's just going to hang out. Right? Yeah. So, so the other day, uh, there was a big old buddy in the bathtub, which they come up through the drain sometimes. Yeah. And I got it and I was like, okay, I'll, I'll catch it in the cup. Like, you know, you know, all that stuff. And I was holding it and then it just escaped and it ran away and it scuttled away.

And I was like, oh, this is my worst fear. Right. There's a spider in the house that I can't see that exists and I guess I don't have a house anymore. Right. But in my head I'm like, that's what I would have done before. I know more about it. So I'm wondering, since we, since I do have you here and you are, yeah, that's hypnotherapist.

I'm wondering if we can actually do this. So anyone else that's listening that might have a fear of spider spiders maybe can gain from this would do, do you think you could be able to do that? Let's, uh,

Glenn: let's have some fun. I got a couple questions for you first. Okay, perfect. So, on a scale of zero to 10, 10 being the worst, zero being nothing, how intensely can you feel the fear of a spider?

Sidney: Uh, I would say even talking about it now, Uhhuh, I would say it's probably like an eight.

Glenn: You can bring it to an eight. Where do you Yeah, now stay there, bring it to an eight. Where in your body, where in your body do you feel it? Cuz it's in your body, that feeling?

Sidney: Um, yeah, I hate this. Where do you feel it?

I feel it in, uh, for anyone listening, my eyes are closed and I'm terrified. Um, I feel it in my ankles for some reason. Uhhuh, which I guess I've never thought about. Right? I feel it in my shoulders. I feel it. Um, Where else do I feel it? I feel it. It's in, yeah, definitely. Ankles and shoulders and then like hands.

Yeah. Like, you know.

Glenn: Okay. Your extremities, your hands, your feet. Yeah. Most likely were a spider would attack first. Right? All right, good. Say

Sidney: attack. You didn't need to use the word attack, Glen.

Glenn: Yeah. That's amazing. So now, in order for this to work, now I know because you are a creative person, your imagination is super strong and that's a good thing.

Everything happens in our imagination. First, we're only born with two fears and you're, you are so congruent cuz I see your body language with this fear. That's beautiful. I love it. I love it. We're born with two fears. That's it. The fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. Those are ingrained into us.

But every other fear we've had to learn. What happens if you put a deadly rattlesnake in a baby's crib? They're gonna laugh, right? They're gonna hear the rattle and think it's kind of cool. Right? Right. Imagine not that we'd ever do this, but if you dumped a bucket of cockroaches into a baby's crib, they poke and laugh.

They think it was cute. Oh, okay. Yeah. Right. Yeah. They don't know to be afraid. So if you can learn a fear, you can unlearn a fear, we can change what it means to us. And that may not mean that you love spiders from this moment on, but it could mean that it's like, oh, okay, whatever. You're here. I'm here. Let me get you outta here.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, really simple. Really simple. Right? And so it's a fun process. So we can do a little something right now, but first what I wanna do is I wanna test your imagination just to see mm-hmm. How connected your mind and your body is. And it's fun. It's a lot of fun. Okay. See, some of the biggest misconceptions is hypnosis.

You are aware of my words. You have to be, otherwise you're sleeping. Even when I do a stage show and we do that famous thing where you kind of lay people over each other on the chairs. Right, right, right. They're still aware. They still hear you. Cuz when I say, now sit up, straight eyes closed. They sit up because they still hear.

It's not like you're dead to the world. That's one of the things about Right. You know, hypnotherapy. It's a form that is of guide that, that is interesting.

Sidney: I always thought that people were generally asleep, but I guess they can't be because if they're not hearing you, then they're not gonna understand what needs to happen.

So that's, that's interesting. I didn't know that. So thank you for that, for breaking that common misconception.

Glenn: Or when I do a session and they'll say, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 eyes open, wide awake. They'll go, I think I fell asleep. Well, if you were, why did you wake up? When I said 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 eyes open. They're like, oh, I guess I was there.

Then they realize it all. It's all there. So it's just. It should be common everyday practice for all of us, and it's getting there. That's one of my missions I have. I've spread my message worldwide to a lot of people as I continue to do with my ads and my online programs to make h hypnotherapy just a normal part of our lives.

Everybody should be meditating. You know, think about this. You've never really seen a stressed out monk, have you? No. That's interesting. No, right. That sounds like a wood

Sidney: lighter from like a coba cab. Like you've never seen a stressed out monk, have you? I was like, oh, you're right. Sorry. That's true. That's true.

Glenn: So now let's do this. Let's have some fun. So your chair is solid, right?

Sidney: Yeah, my chair's solid. So I, I have to actually, before we get started, I do have to think, uh, I need to admit something to you and myself and the listeners. I think I have been straightly straightly. I think I have been slightly stressed out about what is about to happen this entire really time, because I'm not sure if I, uh, if I want, I thinking about this in like a, a therapy sense.

I don't know if I wanna let go of that fear of spiders. Right? I don't know if I want to, um, be hypnotized cuz I'm scared of it. Right. So, yeah. So I was like, I'm realizing that now, like, oh, maybe I should have listened to that fear a little bit earlier and said that out

Glenn: loud. Okay, well that means we can do one or two things.

Okay. We can just start with testing your imagination and then you can decide if you wanna go further. Okay. It's almost like you can put your feet in the water to feel that it's warm. And if it feels good, we'll jump in the pool if you feel like I'd kind of rather wait. Well, then you can make that choice too.


Sidney: Well let's, how does that sound? Let's, let's, do you know what I think I am, uh, I am willing to try. I do want to try. I really am interested to see if this helps. So, uh, as they say dose, why not both? And, uh, let's do it. I

Glenn: never heard that pecan list. What?

Sidney: Port Poque. Nolo sto, right? Why not both? Okay. Oh,

Glenn: okay.

Gotcha. All right. Well just try this, I guess just sit up, sit up for a second in your chair. Okay.

Sidney: All right. I move the mic a little bit

Glenn: closer. Yeah. Do you have any head or n are you like directly upright or can you lean back a little bit? Uh, I can lean back. Chair. All right. Good. Like this? Yeah. All right.

So check this out. We're just gonna test your imagination. So close your eyes and sit back in the chair. And I want you to think one thought. I want you to focus on your eyelids and I want you to think this thought. The more I think about opening my eyes, the more I will relax the think that thought again.

The more I think about opening my eyes, the more I will relax them. And as you do this, let the rest of the world disappear. Let sounds become unimportant. Let noises become unimportant and keep thinking that thought. The more I think about opening my eyes, the more I will relax. Think it's silently in your mind, and you'll realize by doing that, You are now relaxing your eyes so comfortably, so heavy to the point where they just won't open.

You are in control always. All of the time. Sounds fade away because only my voice becomes important. And the more you think about opening your eyes, the more you will relax them. And you'll notice right now your eyes are so comfortably stuck, closed. And it's really funny cuz you feel wide awake but your eyes cannot open because the more you think about opening them, the more you will relax them.

And at first it feels really funny. And you may be wondering, am I doing this cuz I don't wanna open my eyes or am I doing this? Because Glen told me the truth is it doesn't make a difference cuz you've already accepted that suggestion. And as you think that thought, it's pretty cool. Now we can spread that feeling.

From your eyes down, your cheeks, just as your eyes become more comfortable shut, your forehead becomes, you notice your jaw, your cheeks and your mouth become completely relaxed and your imagination opens. And here's the coolest trick I'm gonna teach you. It doesn't matter how deep you go, we can make any change in your life by simply allowing your physical eyes to stay closes.

Because when your physical eyes are clots, the eyes inside your imagination will they open. And when they open, you can create any change in your lap. So now just feel yourself. I'm gonna count down from five to one, and each number, you can visualize these in your mind or you can just think about them. It has nothing to do with visualizing.

And I say the number five, it goes deeper down to four. Feel your shoulders sinking back. Feel your feet becoming warm and happy. That's your entire body relaxing. And it feels kind of funny. Many people smile their way into this deep trance, but then all of a sudden, all of a sudden they let go. And I say Four goes deeper down to the right.

And the deeper you go, the better you feel, the better you feel, the deeper you wanna go. And you are in control of allowing the world to disappear right now. Let nothing else matter. The microphone doesn't matter. The speakers don't matter. It's just you inside your imagination with my voice from three, going deeper, down to two, going deeper, down to all the way down to, and I want you to think this next, where the effort it would take to even think about relaxing would be too much because it happens automatically on its itself.

That's it. Your mind is open. Now, your subconscious mind listening to every word that I say, I know that you have felt a fear. I know that you've had a response in your body because in life, nothing has any meaning Other. And the meaning that, yeah, you've taken on a response to something that literally means nothing because your subconscious mind is aware where there's true danger, but you haven't been in that true danger.

You have just attached a meaning somewhere where meaning is not alone. Now, in a moment, we're gonna release out of your mind, out of your body, every ounce of fear that you used to feel when you thought about spiders, when you felt a spider on your skin. When you've seen a spider, we are going to literally remove it from your mind, from your body, from your entire central nervous system to the point where, from this stage forward, After you release it, you will think spiders are actually key.

They won't bother you in any way. And here's the beautiful thing. You don't even have to believe it right now cuz you're gonna feel it in your mind and in your body the same way you are already know. Your eyes are so locked down, it's almost like they're out of your control. But what is in your control is your mind.

Now, in a moment, I'm gonna ask you to choose a right hand or a left hand. You get to decide because this is your experience and you are gonna make a fist with that hand right on your lap. So go ahead and choose your hand and make a very, very tight fits. And as you make that fist, we're gonna begin a countdown, A very strong slow.

Countdown. And in that fist you are gonna put every fear, every amount of reaction, every startled moment, everything that would fear you about holding, seeing, touching a spider in, into that fist. We are gonna take it out of your mind, put it into that fist. So be brave, cuz after this, you're never gonna feel those fears again.

We're gonna remove them from your entire system. I say the number 10, imagine as if those memory are pouring out of your mind. Squeeze that fist even tighter. The feeling in your body, the physical feeling, nine, even stronger, feel it coming out. It's almost like those spiders are crawling out of you into that fist squishing all of the fear.

Even tighter. Eight, feel it. Get even stronger. Your subconscious mind is so ready to do this. Seven, even tighter. Every unempowered emotion, every fear, the anger, the craziness, the reaction. Seven, even stronger six, 10 times tighter than before. Feel those fears moving faster outta you, faster and faster.

Five, even tighter in your fist, going down to four stronger, 10 times stronger than before. Three. Feel those fears coming out of your subconscious mind into that fist. Three in a moment when I get to the number one, you are gonna release that hand and you are gonna release every remaining fear. You're never gonna feel it or find it again.

Three tighter, two even tighter. One zero. Let it go. Breathe all the way in. All the way in and all the way out. From this day forward, you will never feel those fears again. You will never be able to find those fears again. The more you think about it, but further away they go. It's almost like it's a car you cannot catch.

The more you try to find those fears the further away think now, feel yourself drift. You've done it so good. Feel your breathing. Become slow and calm. Seal your mind. Become set from this day form as I give you this direct suggestion. Your conscious mind will hear it, and your subconscious mind will accept it.

You actually enjoy spiders because you understand spiders kill so many dangerous and annoying bugs. Spiders eat mosquitoes, the pesky things on this planet, and every time you think about a spider, you realize that's one more mosquito that will never be able to bite you again. Mosquitoes have killed more people than any plague, any disease on this earth.

Spiders get rid of mosquitoes, and you love that. When you think about a spider, you think about all the amazing things. Do they get rid of flies? They get rid of annoying house flies that get in your food. That also spread bacteria. Spiders are very, very clean. They're nature's cleaners. So now when you think about a spider, your breathing is slow.

Your breathing is calm. Notice the temperature of your skin, even thinking about a spider. It's calm. The temperature of your skin is perfect. Your central nervous system is absolutely now, and any time from this day forward, you see a spider, you have a little smile. Think about a spider now and smile 10 times bigger.

In fact, here's what's gonna happen next. Your eyes will not and cannot open until you completely accept at the cellular level in the very center of your central nerve system. Until you fully accept the suggestion as you already, that spiders actually are cute and you enjoy them, only then will your eyes open.

Only then will you smile knowing that that feeling in your body is you love being around spiders as much as you'd choose. Anytime you see one, your breathing will be slow and calm. Feel that in your mind. Feel that in your mind feels amazing, does it not? Yeah, it really does. It really does. Think about a spider now.

Wow. And smile.

Sidney: Wow. Wow. I was thinking, uh, that's remarkable. What just happened. That

Glenn: is, absolutely.

Sidney: I was just, I was So when you said at a cellular level opened up your eyes, I could not open my eyes that entire time. Mm-hmm. And then all of a sudden I was thinking about a tarantula and I was just smiling, and

Glenn: I'm just like, spiders are cute.

Yeah, they're cute.

Sidney: Oh my gosh, Glen, that was incredible. That was an incredible man. Right? Wow.

Glenn: Now. Wow. From the outside, there is no way to explain that internal experience,

Sidney: is there? No, no. I think, um, I have ha uh, I was worried about this, but I have markings on my, on my hand from where the finger were. That's okay. Yeah. I know.

And I was just like, because I knew that that's how hard I had to release. Yes. The fear basically.

Glenn: Yep.

Sidney: And it's gone. Wow. That must be cool. One of the biggest ones that you deal with. Right.

Glenn: The biggest one I deal with a lot of a, we live in LA so Yeah. I think they put anxiety in the water in la They add it, you know, our governor passed a law where we must put

Sidney: anxiety in everybody's faucet.

Yeah. And yeah. Every single mayor that comes into office in Los Angeles actually resigns the bill into law that everyone has to be full of anxiety. Yes, absolutely. A hundred percent. Yes. Yeah.

Glenn: So, yeah. That's just, it's in the air in Los Angeles. So that's one of the big ones. And one of the other ones I deal with a lot, and I deal with this in coaching, no matter, no matter how successful we are, and it's You're saying enjoy that feel in my friend.

It's the greatest. Yeah. I'll just, I, I'm like, I, so what,

Sidney: what I, so for anyone that was listening, the, the reason that we just did that was because I was looking around my room and where I'm recording and I remember a spider specifically crawling out from behind a poster that I have, and I'm just thinking about that spider and I'm like, oh yeah, okay.

Like it's

Glenn: not that big of a deal. Like it's, so he literally, that spider ran at me and I got afraid, but

Sidney: now I'm like, oh, that's nice. Like,

Glenn: that's it. How cool is that? That's incredible. I love it, man. So maybe you and I need to go out in downtown Burbank and do some street hypnosis. And we'll make some TikTok.

Oh yeah. And we'll do fear

Sidney: and phobia. Curious, right. On the street with people. Oh my gosh. That is, honestly, that is, this right now is, as I say in my video, is definitely something that I wish I had before I was in my thirties like this. Yeah. Sort of, uh, uh, like existential release, I guess. Right's. Amazing.

Or an internal, internal release. Actually, it amazing. It feels, it feels internally that I'm like, oh, I'm, I'm okay actually. Um,

Glenn: yes. I You weren't born with that fear. You didn't need

Sidney: that fear. Yeah. Now it's gone. Thinking about like, thinking about that cockroaches, thinking about the rattlesnakes and spiders too.

But, um, but we do have to wrap up. Thank you so much for hypnotizing me. You got it. Uh, before we go though, any big projects that you want to talk about, anything at all? I know you have the hypno vault, obviously the hypno vault.com. Uh, where can people find you, you know, elevator pitch? Yeah,

Glenn: well that's the easiest.

Glenn rotman.com is not as easy as to remember as the hypno fault.com. Yeah. But I have an entire team there now dedicated to the supporting people. I have my monthly subscription, which is, it makes what I do accessible to everyone and anyone the cost of one-on-one sessions, because I have a limited resource, my voice.

Mm-hmm. And my time. There's only so many one-on-one sessions I can do, and because of my schedule, I'm having time to do less and lesson things. But that's exactly why I have the Hyp Nova and I connect with my subscribers. I do free group hypnotherapy sessions for them. We do questions and answers. I also have, for those that wanna go a little further in their life and they're in that entrepreneurial business or that mindset where I do an elite mastery coaching call, where we really dive into.

I don't know if you, maybe, I think you will relate to exactly what I'm gonna share with you next. I'll do it really quickly. Okay. When you're working on your dreams, when you're working on your goals and or your business, a lot of times it can feel like a very isolated, lonely space. And you think mm-hmm.

How can you be lonely? You got people around you all the time, but yeah. When you're making the kind of decisions you have to make, those come from you and they come from your head. And a lot of times we can feel very isolated in that role cuz even though you have a company, you're the one that those decisions fall upon, you know?

And mm-hmm. It's a place I go and I have where people like that can connect with people that get it, and we just every week keep reinforcing what's most important in life. Not just staying motivated, but staying balanced, remembering. Your relationships. Remembering self-care, remembering that we have to manage our stress.

It's not okay to put self-care on the back burner as we grow because we're never, we're never done. You know, there's never a point where we say I'm fully grown. You know? It's like, yeah, exactly. Nothing settles, but cement. Everything else is growing. Yeah. And changing. So that's what I've created. That's my gift that I get to share.

That's the world I get to play in. And I'd love to be in, just like the world we did here today. Your life is different. Yeah. From this moment forward. So now, if you're like with your wife and let's say she's got a bunch of her pretty friends over, cause I know none of your wife's friends are that pretty like her.

We know that already. That goes without saying. Sure, sure. Let's just, sure, sure, sure. Let's just say you're in the house with your wife and a bunch of her friends that are not nearly as attractive as she is to you. But now you could be cool in front of all of her friends and be the man like, oh, spider. I got this girls.

Don't worry, don't

Sidney: worry about that. Right. Perfect. Well, I, I know I was gonna ask you for your last words, any life tips, but I think you just gave some of the best life tips I've ever heard. So, um, yeah, Glen, thank you so much for helping me with, uh, lifelong phobia. Uh, thank you so much for helping so many others.

Uh, this has been great, man. Amazing. I, I, I really, I really hope to talk to you soon, buddy. You got it my friend. This was great. I'll see you soon. All right, we'll talk soon. Bye.

All right, well, there you have it. I've been hypnotized everybody. I no longer have a fear of spiders or so I believe even saying that sentence is insane. But if you do want to know more about how it's going for me, check it out on Patreon. Bonus content up there, talking about if this actually works.

Thank you so much again, Glenn, for coming on the show. It was incredible to have you. You're really fantastic and interesting person. I would talk to you for hours and listen, if you have a question and you want to talk to us, let us know. Eli thirty@humancontent.com, and if you just want to maybe talk to me at Sydnee Rise all over socials or at human Content pods on Instagram and TikTok, let us know what she thought about the show.

Definitely let us know if there's an interesting person that you want to be on the show. We're trying to get as many interesting people on this show as possible, so thank you. Thank you, thank you. This is a new podcast, so we'd really appreciate you leaving a review wherever you listen to podcasts. If you subscribe and comment on your favorite podcasting app or on YouTube, we might give you a shout out.

It's true. So look out for that. YouTube and Patreon. Don't forget about those. If you love my voice, but you yearn to see my beautiful, handsome face, the full episodes are out on YouTube every single Thursday. And yes, Patreon, tons of cool perks, like bonus episodes. Hang out with the Eli member community.

We have great private discord and I'm active in it. It's me early ad-free episode, interactive q and a livestream events, and so, so, so, so much more. Come on over to Patreon, become a Rascal and that is patreon.com/eli three zero or go to ELI 30 dot. Com. Thank you so much for listening. I'm your host, Sydnee Raskin.

Special thanks again to our guest, Glen Rotman. Thank you so much for being here. Our executive producers are Sydnee, Raskin, Aron, Ruben Courtney Rob Goldman and Shahnti Brooke. Our editor is Andrew Sims. Our engineer is Jason Pizzo, and our music is by Omer Ben-Zvi. Our theme song is by Dr. Music. Explain Like I'm 30 is a human content production, and remember, hydration equals happiness.

Glenn: Explain like I'm 30.